Our Roots

History and Tradition That Define Our Restaurant

- At Grandpa Stavre's Restaurant -

A New Chapter"

Настављамо традицију “Печењаре Код деда Ставре”, али овога пута у срцу А блока, у модерном окружењу које одражава дух времена, стварамо простор који носи исто име које је красило стару брвнару – “Код деда Ставре”.
Дрво и цигла, два природна материјала која су некада била део деда Ставрине брвнаре, сада су темељ нашег ентеријера. Топлина дрвета се меша са чврстином цигле, стварајући атмосферу која позива на сигурност, удобност и гостољубивост.
Овде, у ресторану “Код деда Ставре”, свако јело носи са собом сећање на прошлост и традицију. Наша модерна кухиња доноси вам укусе и мирисе који ће пробудити сећања на стара времена, али са свежим приступом који је дух данашњице.

Док уживате у јелима која су инспирисана истоименом печењаром, позивамо вас да будете део нове приче која се пише. Настављамо традицију у модерном стилу, чувајући дух деда Ставре и његове брвнаре, али прилагођавајући се новим временима и укусима.
Добродошли у ресторан “Код деда Ставре” – где се традиција сусреће са модерним, а сваки залогај је ново поглавље у историји.
Дођите да заједно наставимо традицију и пишемо историју деда Ставрине брвнаре.


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At Grandpa Stavrа's Roastery

Our Story

Roastery "At Grandpa Stavre's" isn't just an ordinary restaurant; it's a roastery with centuries-old tradition dating back to the time of Karađorđe.
After more than 200 years, we've decided to awaken the memory of Grandpa Stavre and his charcoal pit, and to convey to you the true meaning of "At Grandpa Stavre's" in a modern way, yet in the spirit of tradition.
The story begins in the distant year of 1779, in the vicinity of the village of Viševac, the birthplace of Karađorđe. Along the road leading to Belgrade, known as a trading route, there stood an old charcoal pit where weary travelers could find refuge for themselves and their horses. It was "Grandpa Stavre's charcoal pit."
Grandpa Stavre, a man of advanced years and small stature, always welcomed guests with a big smile on his face, a smile that couldn't be hidden beneath his long, thick mustache. Anyone who stepped into the charcoal pit could feel the warmth emanating from Grandpa Stavre's smile. Various stories were told, legends recounted at Grandpa Stavre's, all accompanied by sips of homemade brandy and hearty meals. Anyone who once spent time in this charcoal pit talked about it for years afterward.

However, Grandpa Stavre's charcoal pit is also known for something else. Namely, Karađorđe, from a young age, used to visit the charcoal pit with his father and often spent time in front of the entrance, sitting on a stump of a cut poplar tree, watching the trade caravans pass by.
Many years later, after battles or when he returned to his homeland, Karađorđe would gladly stop by the charcoal pit to refresh himself with roasted lamb and homemade brandy. He was a welcome guest because, as he himself would say every time he entered Grandpa Stavre's place, "Finally, home."
Grandpa Stavre's charcoal pit was long the center of all events, but in one raid by the Turks, it was burned down. However, more than 200 years later, we've decided to revive the memory of Grandpa Stavre and his charcoal pit, and to convey to you the true meaning of Grandpa Stavre's place in a modern way, yet in the spirit of tradition.
The roastery "At Grandpa Stavre's" is distinguished by the tradition from the heart of Serbia, with dishes prepared in a traditional way that nurture the taste of the past and desserts like those our grandmothers have been making for centuries. Come join us in continuing the tradition together, sharing new stories, and writing the history of Grandpa Stavre's charcoal pit.


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